Day 01 18 April 204

My first Camino stamp from Cathedral Se. I need at least two stamps per day along my route. The stamps are evidence of how far the pilgrim actually journeys.

Today I walked 22.9 miles. I don’t know how many extra because I got lost and had to back track. Finally got to my hotel at 11pm. My feet are stumps of fire. Devices are charging but I do have some more pictures for today.

4 thoughts on “Day 01 18 April 204”

  1. Hi Lynn, YAY, you made it!! Your descripton of your feet as “stumps of fire” sounds painful and exhausting!!
    I hope the rest of your travels aren’t as grueling. Love the pictures!!❤️

    1. I am getting better at taking care. Now I stop every hour or so to remove my shoes and socks for 5 or 10 minutes. I never realized how much heat builds up in my feet.

      1. Take good care or your tootsies!! I have a cranky ankle, not sure how it would fare with all that walking. Treat those feet as your best friends, cuz they are 💞

        1. Thank you, and yes, feet out the foundation. The cobblestones have been areal workout on my ankles.

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